Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Won!

Ruby told me that in her office, there lay an idiot who ask "Who is Obama?". Dumb ass!

Obama will be the 44th president of USA and the first African-American president! :D

Anyway, I am happy because base on his speeches he seems to have many goals to achieve with the people in mind and looks pretty down to earth coming from humble beginnings. His figures and facts are rather concrete so it gives people confidence in what he says.

But wait, people are concern his black? Black, brown, green, yellow or red, what the hell is the difference as his a human! If he can do a good job for a better change then why emphasize so much on what race he is.

Yes, his predecessors may have all been white. Perhaps, it is now time for change in the year 2008 in the presidential post and to give more Americans the chance of living the American dream. Afterall, people say that America is all about freedom and opportunities for those that are in seek. Please Google or Wiki "American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man" to learn more on freedom in America.

On a less important note, I do not feel the national anthem will have a hip-hop twist or the official residence, the White house will be changed to the Black house now. Meaning to say, the American culture will not change just because the new president is of different race compared to predecessors. Obama has more important roles to play with a mission for America and also the world.

As he has been chosen by the majority, the majority of Americans show a liking in him over McCain. I do hope the support for Obama will remain and that he will be proven worthy of his word. If not 1 term, let's give him two terms if there is no better candidate in the next election or there has been no mismanagement under the Obama administration should there be.

America or the world so to speak is not for just one race but for all races.