Saturday, March 11, 2006

Forgiving... a difficult task but it's easy...

How many of us have been wounded by harsh remarks and actions by people especially the ones close to us? People who we thought we could count on and whom we trusted. A consequence of this would be a broken relationship or a war just beginning. Hehe!

I use to be a person who kept grudges against those culprits. I hated them. They were like friends of Satan. Evil as anything you would have come across in life. People that you would wanna take a swing at or throw a brick into the window of their homes. People that have successfully pissed you off beyond your own threshold of patience.

It was at the back of my mind what they did to me. I told myself, I will never forgive them.
Though some were really sorry, it never struck me to take pitty on them. I felt they needed to pay the price for their harmful actions that have mentally and emotionally affected me. However, some had realized and learnt from their mistakes. Come on, we are only human(a very important thing to remember in life).

Then I realized this. How long would I continue punishing them. They are sorry and they also wanna move on with life. They wanna rebridge the gap once stood close between me and them. Zig Ziglar, an American author in his book mentioned that carrying the burden of unforgiveness can be sooo heavy that it may affect your performance in succeeding. His words did in fact strike me and changed my perspective. I did as he mentioned and I feel it works. It's some deep psycho stuff that I myself cannot describe concretely about... heheh!

It occured to me, what is the point in making so many enemies with people. What good do enemies do to us? The relationship is lost and has gone astray. You don't wanna forgive. Your "friend" also don't know what to do, hence, retreats to their own comfort zone. It's over!!!

On the other hand what an abundant amount of bennefits we would get from our friends and loved ones instead. A good relationship, advice, help, happiness etc. The list goes on. But what is important is happiness. No one can make you happy but yourself. Life is short. May as well make it a life worth remembering as happy one rather than filled with grief, sorrow and frustration.

I am not saying everyone of your friends is gonna be your best friends but you could atleast treat everyone like a best friend.

I write this with freedom and without any connection with any situation or person. It's just my opinion on forgiving.