Monday, May 19, 2008

Perfectionism... a deffinite no go!

How sure are you that if u draw a square with your free hand, you have a perfect square and each intersecting point has a perfect 90 degrees? No one can right?

So is life. A life that we yearn for to be perfect in happiness, success or prosperity!
We want it so badly that we feel that when we have achieved them, we have reached full attaintment. Some of us have, some are still working on it! Life is not like that show "Little House on the Praire" where everything is so nice and everyone smilling. The sun is always shining and the birds always chirping!

Unfortunately life is not so perfect in reality and most of you who read my blog do realize that. We are faced with challenges within and also beyond our capactity. But it makes life more interesting by setting goals and going out to achive them. We may have not 100% reached them but atleast we tried and we are somewhere rather than no where.

I know that if some of you have set such a perfect target to hit, you get disappointed easily if you even fail even a bit. This is without consideration that you had put in the effort but a little more effort may have been required.

When faced with failure, learn and move on. No one can turn back the clock but treat it as something you have learned and continue to develop and grow within. The next time you do that same thing, you would have had the experience in doing it regardless whether good or bad.

Some when faced with failure, just give up and do not even dare try again! Well, look at what went wrong. If you could change it to make it better, do it again. If you can't change it, treat is as a lesson and move on. There is more to life than that 1 thing you aim for!

If you have stress lose it! The stress will kill you! Stress can have such a big influence on our actions and our mental and physical well-being. The mind can make us do anything we want has long we put our heart and soul with it. Stress is not going to change anything but total consideration of the results you have achieved and the effort you have put in is a more worthy attittude to possess. I believe in totality which is the giving of ones best effort to achieve a result.

Lower your expectations of life so that you don't get disappointed so easily. Take life with stride, look forward to every moment good or bad and continue to learn with whatever you have achieved in this world.

Nothing is perfect but has long as your happy with what you have achieved so far this is just going to be the beginning of going all the way to "hit that home run". If not happy learn to be happy and appreciate the things you have. It is always good to be positive but not over confident.

If you have achieved your goals, congrats to you! Otherwise continue to pursue it with the capacity you have and with the knowledge of the external factors that may influence your results.

I am not the perfect person to give advise but I am sharing with you base on my experience. I used to try to be perfect in every possible way but I got disappointed easily and was left burnt out. Then I lowered my expectation on what I wanted out of life and things become easier and happier. I also did achieve some of my goals that I had set!