Sunday, October 05, 2008

The power of love

I am a Catholic since I was born and my understanding and seriousness towards the religion has grown these past 2 years. As part of my journey of finding meaning in my religion, I have stumbled upon so many beautiful things that I feel thankful to have been created in this world. One of the fundamentals of my religion is love. The application of it would be "love thy neighbour".

I am now captivated and amazed about the feeling of being "romantically in love". It has given new meaning in my life and I am happy with it. It is such a magical feeling really when you wake up in the morning no matter what time it is, you think of that loved one.

When your alone, all you can do is think of being hugged or holding the hands of that loved one. The worst part of being alone is that silence that you can only imagine your partner is sitting next to you like in the car. However, when you turn to the co-drivers seat, it is just empty. That is sad. :(

There are even moments of being lost or losing your sanity in the absence of your partner. It is something that I trully dislike but try to cope while I am alone. The feeling is simmilar to being blur or dreaming. That whole decision making process that your partner is always included in now depends on a single person now, yourself be it the simple decisions of life like where to eat.

It is really not much of idolizing other couples as they hold hands when you can't. The reason is because your relationship should be much deeper and meaningful than the influence of your peers.

You have loads of good memories that you remember that the holes of the not so happy memories are erased. It cannot be denied, that in any relationship there are always good and bad times. It will be waste to remember the bad. It will be even better to proactively work on how you can avoid such undesirable situations in the future. Men and women will never understand each other. However, there is always a way to overcome this and the answer to this for your relationship lies within you to make it happen.

The beauty about those bad times is when you fix things with your partner when both come together and realize it's time to put those inequalities in the past and move on with what the future has to offer. :) It is quite a sweet moment!

Love did not come to me on a plate. When the time was right, sometimes when less predicted, love happens. So wonderful! Trust me, I never went out searching initially! At the time before finding love, I was so busy with being single; classic car hunting, beer drinking, shopping, reading, a little bit of travelling. I really enjoyed those times. I felt those times were a preparation for falling in love and learning to share. I never regret those times being single because the time I have now is fantastic because as for me I can share those good times with my partner. It is so cute to see her now telling you about how beautiful Volvos are for example. Even the 1968 Volvo 164! Haha!

I trully feel that it was an act of God. Based on Catholic teachings, a mature Catholic can choose either sacraments(milestones for a Catholic); the sacrament of matrimony or the sacrament of offering your service to God either as a priest, brother or nun depending on gender. Either of this sacraments are God's calling unto you. Naturally, you cannot choose it on your own, spiritually speaking.

Whatever it is, I am happy being in love and I thank God for it. I pray that my relationship will continue to grow with my partner and that our love will blossom! :) As for me, yes I am in a relationship with that special one person but I always feel that God is with us in spirit guiding us.