Friday, August 01, 2008


It is certainly nice after a hard day of work to head out to the bar or beer garden to have a few rounds of beer. The feeling of the first burp is like releasing all the bottled pressure in your body, leaving you with a more relaxed and calm feeling. That chilled out moment with your friends talking and laughing about anything under the sun does really create a happy feeling. I am sure that those who drink will understand where I am coming from.

However, I feel that beer can never directly solve problems, as what most people think that beer makes you forget all your troubles and heartache. If you put some thought, it just comforts you during hard or difficult times.

Those who are unaware , excess beer can lead to drunkeness, inability to think rationally and judge, unneccessary arguments and health problems. Health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases, gaut and kidney failure can occur due to excess drinking.

I am not joining any alcohol annonymous society or anything, for I too admit that I enjoy some beer every once in a while. But everyday is a NO GO for me.

I cannot understand how my friends can drink everyday. In addition, I cannot understand why they look at you in a funny way when you decide enough beer is enough or when maybe you just feel like joining them for a 'teh-tarik'.

Do they really have such a terrible life?

Have they taken a proactive approache towards reducing or deterring such problems that they may claim?

Do they actually think of their health or the welfare of their loved ones that they have to burden, God forbid if anything bad were to happen to them?

Are they thinking of the financial aspect of their excess drinking?

Do they even think of spending time with their families instead being selfish with themselves and beer?
How can you enjoy something when you have it so much?
Won't you feel 'jelat'?

I cannot drink everyday.

Firstly, my health although I may not be the most healthiest person around, I'd rather continue drinking for the rest of my life although in small quantities rather than having to give it up by the age of 40 due to some effect of excess alcohol.

Secondly, I cannot forget my family and loved ones. The family institution is so important to keep the current generation and the future generation close knit and growing together as a family in the life span that God has given us. This could be the reason why there exist broken families and kids that are ungreatful to their parents. I do acknowledge this to a certain degree and I can't blame the families who feel upset about a member of their family who is too obsessed with alcohol.

Thirdly, financial aspect. I categorize myself in the working class category as a citizen of Malaysia. I may have a little extra money in my wallet but never going to overspend it on beer. It's nice to save up for a holiday or buy something that you and your family can enjoy together. One should also save to settle any outstanding loans or think of furthering their careers to get a better job. I don't believe in signing the 555 book or overly swiping credit cards when they go through hard times without money but still want to enjoy and be merry with their beer. I find that hard to accept.

Anyway, my intention here is not to insult or teach a lesson to anyone, for anyone who can drink beer is probably old enough to think for themselves. However, if there are people who suddenly realized this, good for you and it's not too late to reconcile from this addiction. If there is such a severe and strong addiction to alcohol, I advise you to seek the advise of your doctor. They may not be able to help you directly but there are organizations that can help people combat this addiction.

It has truthfully left me concerned about these people and their families.
I pray and hope that they will open their hearts to the messages from God and will change for the better.