Tuesday, August 05, 2008

In honour of our Critics!

No statue has ever been erected in honour of a cricitic. Critics are people who just love to take a swipe out of us by giving us derogatory comments on us or what we did. They can never be eliminated from the human race fortunately.

The reason why I am going with fortunately is because criticism if seen from a constructive manner helps us to strengthen ourselves and points out things that could go wrong that give us the opportunity to foresee and possibily avoid.

I and even you know that we can never stand criticism. Some of it may be true while others may be extremely irrelevant to a person. Irrelevant to the point of being a form of gossip, hurtful remark, belittling ones reputation, simply naughty or totally uncalled for.

We should realize that we are all comprised of individuals who are different in so many ways. There is no one system that each of us needs to follow to achieve what we feel is right. We should never compare with others and pass harsh remarks just because we are different from one another. "Each of us may take separate paths but we will reach there eventually" - Kevin Ng (my schoolmate since Standard 1).

I acknowledge I may have a lot of critics or maybe a few. Some whom are maybe even my closest friends, colleagues or church members. Others whom I have known for ages but still can never get over me. People whom I have helped and never expected anything in return but just can't stop seeing me happy or in search of my happiness. Please to whoever who suddenly feels guilty or disturbed that I have caught you, do not worry. I am a Christian. I am Christian enough to say Thank You and I forgive you if you want to reconcile. I am the bigger person but not you. ;)

If you want to make false accusations or comments about anyone, go ahead.

At the end of the day, the person being critised knows best on how to live his or her life. Who knows that the criticism may be seen as a form of feedback that one has been enlightened to realize and be a better person? If it is for a better cause, kudos or thank you to the critic.

Otherwise, mind your own f*cking business and live the crappy life you desire! :D

To the people out there who receive such remorseful or hurting remarks, keeping silent makes you the better person. You do not have to go way down to such low standards to be on par with such critics. We can never stop criticism.

If others were to judge us or what we do, let them judge us, for when we return to God, we will be judged justly.