Saturday, August 02, 2008

They know it all!

It is certainly an interesting world that we live in. There are so many kinds of people that we come accross; some that we get along and some that we really cannot stand. This is perfectly normal in nature; the reason why there exist friends and enemies! Haha!

One thing that is evident is the way they talk.

I have come accross people who I have found to be humble, generous, honest, respectful etc.
There are also people that are boastful, pretenders, rude, etc. As what normal people would do, is to choose the latter as for it's positive attributes that people want to find in a friend. It is deffinitely no good to judge people but it is good to be careful with whom you mix with.

Some people really can brag about their high taste and standards. Although sometimes, listeners around them may not want to know but they would openly brag about themselves without realizing that they are actually a bucket of laughs! But when it comes down to reality and the way they are, it seems that they don't put their words into action. One of the good things Pak Lah ever said was, "First class infrastructure, third class mentality". It is either they don't have the confidence, capacity or are just plain liars!
I do not like to see people eat their own words because I do feel it can be embaracing. I read in a book once, when you see this happening to such people, comfort them when they realized it was a mistake as it will do more good to your relationship with them in the long run and they may turn to you someday.
There are others, who when realizing that they have eaten their own words, they cover it up to maintain themselves of feeling good and not be rediculed by others. You can sense this when such people tire themselves out by defending themselves from what was initially said. They just love to maintain their position or stature in the eyes of people without being humble enough to bow down. I do not know what is so hard in saying, " Hey, I was wrong and you were right".
Whatever we may be; rich or poor; we must acknowledge the feelings of others that are listening and not offend or make someone uncomfortable. People who brag just love that feeling of being upper class than others.

There are some who love to give people advise. They just love that attention of being Oprah or Dr Phil. Some of them do not even know what the hell they are advising others because of their shallow knowledge on the subject matter. My Standard 6 teacher once said, "Empty vessels make the most noise".
As a person giving advise, you can give so much or so little advise that you want but at the end of the day it depends on the listener who is actually listening. Sometimes advisors should understand not to overwhelm people with advise that end up clouding the minds or worrying listeners. Some are great advisors but when they themselves are in the same stirring bowl, they do not know how to react and respond to such situations. Advisors are sharing their personal thoughts and must realize that a listener has every right to accept them or not. People should also understand the external factors that play hand in hand together with the advise they give out.
Listeners should also be careful and distinguish what is right advise and what is related to the listeners situation.

For example, with the current situation right now, more and more people are being advised to migrate. People love to give advise on this without realizing how difficult it is to make that first step; getting the relevant documentation to live overseas like Visa, workers permit, making new friends of different culture and background. These are the people when approached and you ask them why they themselves never moved, will give you 101 reasons why they cannot move. If they themselves cannot do it, then just shut up and not be some expert advisor on populating a new colony.

My advise is never be intimidated or influenced by what others say. Father Mark Raj from IC parish said at his last sharing, "Never let secular remarks affect you". Secular remarks is like words people say that may influence you; can either be good or bad.
Always follow what you feel is right or what works best with your lifestyle. It is difficult for an advisor to gauge the listeners situations and inner feelings. Neither should anyone change for the other person to make others feel happy while they themselves are not.
For the such people that exists in this world, it's best to be patient with them. If you have a sense of feeling uncomfortable growing within, it may be best to distant yourselves from them to avoid any unnecessary argument that may turn the relationship ugly.
At the end of the day, I feel everyone just wants to be happy and enjoy the beauty of life! :)