Friday, June 27, 2008

Fear... the biggest obstacle!

It was my third and final session of talks on healing held at my church. The talks were primarily to boost morale and motivate parishners of our church both spiritually and also in relations to real-life scenarios. To end the session, Father Simon talked about fear.

Fear can impact us in so many ways.

Here are some examples:

1. Fear of losing an argument with somone, we fight all out without considering their feelings.

2. Fear of being laughed at by our co-workers/ friends, we keep quiet when we know we are right.

3. Fear of not scoring good results, we achieve lower than the results we set out to achieve.

Fear can actually bring down our true potential and morale for doing things we set out to achieve. It tends to also lower our level of confidence. Sometimes the things that we fear of happening actually do really happen as a result of how we think. I have said this before that our emotions do speak through our actions.

Perhaps, when encountered with a task that you may not have a ready solution, be calm and stay focus on how to go about it. Common sense also does help and I am one who does not believe that there is such thing as stupid. In the instance that we as individuals have exhausted all possibilities, look for a friend who has the experience to help.