Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Feet!

Relax . Fun . Laughter . Originated from Turkey's hot springs, Garra Rufa fish is known for their specialty to nibble away dead skins and helps to bring the glow back. They are also known for their therapeutic micro massages once you get past the ticklish sensations. So, come to Happy Feet and give your feet a well deserved thank you and kisses from Dr. Fish! -

We got this advertisement circulating via emails around Dell. We decided to go ramai2 with friends but it was hard to find a suitable time to go for all of us. The shop is located at New World Park, Burmah Road, very near to the stage where they do performances.

So Ruby and I decided to book an appointment at 4.30 pm on Wednesday, the last day of the promotions @ RM 18. Normal price RM 28.

As per the pic above, one needs to submerse their feet in the water and the Garra Fura fish will come and nibble. I thought they will lay their eggs on my legs as I have hairy legs but thankfully they just nibbled! I thought I could just submerse my legs into the pond to kill the fish but everyone has to wash their feet first at a special place behind the shop and you are provided with the shops own slippers and a small towel to wipe later.

A kid came in at first with wounds and blisters on his legs so the shop owner got a bit cautious so plastered him up with plasters to avoid contamination to water and harm to fish.

It was ticklelish at first and you really feel like you getting electric impulses on your feet. After some time, you kinda get used to it. You get to see a swam of fish surrounding ur feet nibbling away.

Ruby feeling ticklelish!

Base on our observation, the fish feed more on womens feet because of the lotions that women put on their feet.